Saturday, May 10, 2014

What Lies Ahead: Binski Wins the LSC3 Collegiate Seed - Collegiate StarLeague May 7, 2014

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This past weekend's Lone Star Clash 3 qualifier saw competitors such as Caliber, ZergZingZing, Aidan and TheoRy go head to head for the coveted collegiate seed into the tournament, but binski stood at the top of the hill by the end of the day. We took a few minutes to speak with him about the competition and what lies ahead in Austin, Texas.

By David Wise


Sungbin ‘binski’ Lee tore through the Lone Star Clash 3 CSL Qualifier this past weekend, dropping only a single map in the entire tournament. Binski, a University of North Texas student, will receive travel, housing, and a spot in the pro invitational at Lone Star Clash for winning the qualifier.

Binski’s love for real-time-strategy games began with WarCraft 3 custom games. He eventually transitioned into StarCraft II. “I thought StarCraft II would be fun as well, so I bought it,” he stated. Binski would go on to become one of the top contenders in the CSL, acting as a player and a coach for the University of North Texas StarCraft squad [Editor's note: UNT won season 5 of the CSL]. He would also join the now defunct Light eSports. “I love hanging out with my CSL friends,” he affirmed. “My parents think it’s a waste of time. I don’t blame them, obviously. I love my family.” When he is not studying or blasting opponents away in StarCraft, Binski enjoys reading The Sandman, his favorite comic.

During the LSC CSL Qualifier, Binski seemed nigh unstoppable. He detailed his mindset during the tournament. “Win, always do what you practice, believe in yourself, etc. Luckily KawaiiRice [Adrian Kwong] was there tell me to quit tilting when I lost that game. ” he stated. Even though he only dropped a single map in the tournament, Binski displays only humility about his performance. He explained, “[I only dropped one map] only because hendralisk [Henry Zheng] and MaSa [Maru Kim] both forfeited. I have seen them play before and both are insanely good. I probably would have been destroyed. I feel that I didn’t necessarily deserve my qualifier spot as the tournament didn’t have all of the best CSL players trying to qualify.”

Binski playing on the MLG Raleigh stage in 2012. [photo by Ian O'Connor]

For the qualifier, Binski explained how he practiced. “My training regimen is just watching VODs and ladder, really. Ladder gives you a lot of different styles and builds to play against so you won’t get into the habit of consciously or unconsciously meta-ing or countering your practice partner,” said Binski. “It’s tough balancing StarCraft II and life. I’m always regretful as I know that I could be much better if I didn’t have school and other obligations at the same time.”

Binski looks forward to Lone Star Clash with great anticipation. He explained, “It will be a really fun experience for me as I have a lot of friends up in Austin to visit and hang out with. As for the competition, every single person who qualified or was invited are all very good and better than I am, so no expectations here. I am just going to have fun and play my best.”  

Despite displaying great modesty about his skill, Binksi is sure to provide rugged competition at Lone Star Clash as well as entertaining, exciting games. When I asked Binski for any final words, he answered, “Thank you to ForGG [Park Ji Soo] because I copy all his builds and watch his stream. Thank you to friends, family, Patrick ‘Caliber’ Coury, KawaiiRice, and Xeris [Duran Parsi]. That’s it, no one else.”

Watch the VODs from the LSC3 qualifiers:
Day 1
Day 2 (check out the post-win interview!)

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